Monday, March 14, 2011

Cold runs through the Husky Runner house like El Niño

Last week started out great; running Sunday and Monday, Kettle Bell workout Tuesday and then it happened. My youngest daughter got sent home from school with a fever she was the 5th kid sent home that day and 4 kids never made it to school that day because they were sick. There is only 16 kids in my daughters class to begin with. So the next morning I wake up with a sore throat and entire nose stuffed up. Now I'm not good at running but you quickly realize that breathing is crucial to this activity. Nose is clear today and it is beautiful so I'm back at it today. I am marking time running 3.5 miles 4-5 times a week till I kick in Hal Higdon's work-out.
The Black Lightning (American Black Ale)release went well and the beer was well received. X-5 is next to be release in the Summer and I am brewing another pilot batch of a new beer this week for release later in the fall....and we are judging the 3 Lions Clone Beers Tuesday....did I mention I was busy?
Work is picking up and I am busy all around. The runs are well suited for helping turn my head off for a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Black Lightning kicks a whole lot of ass. Not even my favorite style, but they really nailed it. Very enjoyable.


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